Frequently Asked Questions

These are the answers to the most frequently asked questions I get.

Apologies if you've reached out on LinkedIn and I haven't responded - it's getting really hard to stay on top of that inbox.

Please email if you still need something or check out our service form in case you need to chat about partnerships, or
podcast/webinar/live speaking invitations.

You can also get free weekly sales tips by subscribing to The JB Sales Learning Lab Newsletter (50K+ sales pros have already subscribed).

What advice would you give your younger self?

Check out the blog I wrote here. It's one of the most read blogs I've ever written.


This blog will tell you how to avoid getting ghosted without being pushy.

HOW DO YOU CReate urgency in the sales process?

Find more info on this here. It's not what you think it may be.


Today, I've got 400K followers on LI, have 30K Podcast DLs per month and 50K+ subscribers for my newsletter. It didn't happen overnight and took lot's of work. Watch this video to learn how I did it.

What's your morning routine?

Routines build discipline. Here's where you can learn more about my morning routine and how I start my day so I get the most out of every single one.

How do I improve my response rates and land more meetings?

This is truly the gamechanger for sales pros. Master this and you'll never go hungry. Check out this  post to get more info on this very important topic.

What's the best way to handle objection?

My friends at Gong put this resource together. Think it's a great place to start. Want the advanced stuff? Check out my JB Sales Membership.

How are you leveraging AI throughout the sales process?

My post on AI got some great feedback here. At the end of the day it all comes down to how you prompt, and learn where you can streamline efforts. AI will compliment you if you start learning it now. We also talk about AI and ways to integrate it monthly in my private community group coaching calls.


Hubspot, Owler, Clay, Sales Navigator, Perplexity, Feedly, Evernote, Office365, and for all my lead info.

Do you have an email template I can use to send out to people who work in X industry?

No. There are no silver bullets. I can however, give you a template that will help you become more relevant. Check this resource out.
And if you want the good stuff - check out my filling the funnel course in my sales membership.